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Nature & Outdoor Programs

Birdwatching: Beginner - Adult

Beginner birdwatchers will learn about the unique songs, shapes, and colours of local birds. You will also learn basic birdwatching techniques including identifying behaviour and habitat, proper equipment use and viewing. This course takes place outdoors. Please dress for the weather.

Birdwatching – Beginner - Kids + Adult

Your kids will learn the unique sounds, shapes and colours of local bird species at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Expert birders will teach the basics of birdwatching and cover topics such as bird habitats, binocular use, basic identification and bird evidence such as nests and feathers. This course includes an indoor presentation and an outdoor walk, so please dress for the weather. Kids require a parent or guardian present.

Birdwatching: Bird Biology Basics - Adult

In a classroom learning session followed by an outdoor birdwatching walk, you will learn all about the unique adaptations of birds: how they fly at high altitudes, how they see, how they survive in Calgary’s environment, and more. A portion of this course takes place outdoors. Please dress for the weather.

Nordic Pole Walking - Adult

Nordic poles turn a walk into a total body workout that will enhance your core, posture, joints and confidence.

Outdoor Adventures: PD day camp

Students on break from school during PD days can join us in this unique, single-day outdoor program that will introduce them to a variety of sports, nature education and outdoor survival skills. This interactive learning experience takes place in the great outdoors with access to indoor space for continued learning. 

Age: 5 - 8 years and 9 - 12 years

Outdoor Series - Try It

In this 2-hour “Try-It” session you will learn what our Outdoor Programs have to offer, without the commitment of an 8-week program. Activities can include orienteering, archery, canoeing, games, fire and shelter building, and more.

Spring Birdwatching - Adult

With guidance from a birding expert, you will learn about migrant birds’ mating and nesting behaviours, Calgary’s unique ecosystems, and why spring is such an important time of year for wildlife. You will observe wild birds in their habitats and learn handy identification tips. This course takes place outdoors. Please dress for the weather

Spring Outdoor Series - Multisport

This unique outdoor program will introduce participants to a variety of sports, nature activities and outdoor survival skills. This is an interactive learning experience in the great outdoors!

Summer Birdwatching - Adult

Our expert birders will guide you through the basics of birdwatching in this summer course. You will learn about the different types of birds that inhabit our parks and green spaces and find out why Calgary’s unique habitats make our city such a special place for birdwatching. This course takes place outdoors. Please dress for the weather.