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Get Ready to Register

Online registration opens at 6 a.m. Customers on our website between 5:30 a.m. and 5:59 a.m. will automatically be transferred into a virtual waiting room. At 6 a.m. all customers in the waiting room will randomly be assigned a place in line to access the website.

Anyone who visits the website after 6 a.m. will be placed in order of arrival after those who were in the waiting room.

Peak registration days impact the entire site including drop-in classes and bookings.

Before registration opens:
    1. Create an account or log into your account to ensure you have your user name and password ready.
    2. Ensure your family members are up to date.
    3. Ensure you do not have any outstanding balances.
    4. Search for courses and make note of the Course ID's you plan to register for.
    5. Ensure your payment method is ready.

Note: Only the owner of the group account can add and register family or group members. If you wish to change the owner for the group, the current owner can contact liveandplay@calgary.ca or call Bookings and Registration Client Support at 403-268-3800 (Option 1).

Update the Communications Preferences section of your account to receive notifications for upcoming program registration dates, new offerings, facility updates and more.

How to find and book a course:

Courses are available for previewing prior to registration opening. We recommend logging into your account and searching for the courses you want to register for ahead of time.

    1. Select “Registered Programs” from the drop-down Menu at top left or from the home page.
    2. Select the program category you want to register for (eg. Swimming Lessons, Day Camps, Art Classes, Fitness Classes, etc.); click the “More” button.
    3. Select the sub-category to narrow your search (eg. Swimming Lessons - Child & Youth Swimming Lessons, Parent & Tot Swimming Lessons) OR select "Search All Programs" for a complete listing of all courses and click the “More” button.
    4. Click “Search” to bring up results.
    5. Find your courses and record the Course ID numbers for the courses you are interested in.

Filter search results

    • You can filter search results (eg. by start month, age, venue) using the Search panel. To select multiple fields, Ctrl+click on desired selections.
    • Hide fully booked courses - click the “Hide Fully Booked Courses” box to show only the courses that have spots available for registration.

Choose the best swimming lesson level for you or your swimmer.
Answer a few questions and we'll recommend a level. Take the swimming skills quiz.

On registration day

When it is your turn to access the website:

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Find your courses or enter the Course ID's in the top search bar.
    3. Click "Book" and select the person who will be attending the course.
    4. Check out and complete your basket.
    5. You will receive an emailed invoice once your basket has been completed. This process can take longer than expected on registration days.

Note: To reduce the chances of error, please only log into a single device when registering.

Applying subsidy to a course

    1. Subsidy is automatically applied to applicable items in your basket.
    2. If you choose to use subsidy, click “Checkout”, and proceed with payment for your portion of the course fee.
    3. If you choose not to use subsidy for the course, click the down arrow in the “Subsidy Program” line near the bottom of the basket and click “Exclude”.

Note: To review current usage, balance, and expiry of your allotment for term passes, courses, and admissions see My Subsidies.


For any further questions or assistance, please contact us at liveandplay@calgary.ca or call Bookings and Registration Client Support at 403-268-3800 (Option 1) prior to registration.