Home Help Account Information Update Your Password

Update Your Password

Reset your forgotten password

  1. Click the "Logon" button at the top right of the Live and Play site.
  2. Select the link option for “forgotten your password”.
  3. Enter your email address attached to your account and click the "Send" button. You will receive an email shortly that will provide you a link to reset your password.
Note: The password reset link will expire after 30 minutes. If you do not see the password reset email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder.

Change your existing password

  1. Logon to your account using the "Logon" button at the top right of the Live and Play site.
  2. Select "My Password" from “My Account” home page or from the drop-down menu under your account name.
  3. Enter your current password and your new password. Once you have confirmed your new password, click the "Change Password" button.
Note: Passwords must contain at least four letters and include three of the following: An uppercase character, a lowercase character, a number, a punctuation character.