Ice Availability

Note: Select arenas are open for private bookings. Registered programs, public skate, shinny and walking track activities are not available.

The City of Calgary offers 19 Indoor Ice Arenas for hockey, ringette, figure skating and broomball. Some of these arenas are also available during off-season for lacrosse, ball/roller hockey, in-line skating and special events.

For more information about the booking process, including timelines, rates and fees, and amendments and cancellations see Booking an Arena.

Space Request:

  • To request a location noted below, complete an Arena Application Form or the Special Event Application Form.
  • The price column displays $0.00. However, the price is dependent on the type of booking you're requesting. This will be discussed at the time of your booking request.

Search Tips:

  • Select the date of your search.
  • For best results, do not limit your search to specific start and end times.
  • If you have preferred venue(s), select them from the Venue list and leave the Location criteria as is.
  • Availability is based on a 60 minute booking and a flood between bookings. Start time indicates the earliest you can start.

Check Availability


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