Home Registered Programs Preschool Preschool: Create & Explore

Preschool: Create & Explore

Preschoolers will have fun engaging with others and learning physical and social skills. In this unparented program, they will participate in active games, arts, crafts and stories.

All about animals - preschoolers

Preschoolers will learn about two, four, six and eight legged animals and insects. Through a variety of animal-themed activities, they will increase their imagination and movement skills.

Age: 3 - 5 years

Discover the world - preschoolers

Preschoolers will use their five senses to discover the world through a variety of games, experiments and activities.

Age: 3 - 5 years

Imaginary worlds - preschoolers

Preschoolers will create imaginary worlds, such as a pirate on the high seas or a princess discovering an enchanted castle. They will use these worlds to play games and make arts and crafts.

Age: 3 - 5 years

Move, imagine & play - parent & toddler

You will help introduce your toddler to creative play, which will increase their physical activity, body awareness and exploration skills. They can take part in circle time, sensory play, music and movement activities.

Age: 1 - 2 years + adult

Move & Play - toddler

In this un-parented class, toddlers will explore their self-expression and body awareness through storytelling and movement.

Age: 1.5 - 2 years

Music makers - preschoolers

Through songs and movement, preschoolers will increase their body awareness and flexibility. They will sing, clap and make noise on instruments while moving around to the music they are making.

Age: 3 - 5 years

Rhymes & stories - parent & toddler

You and your toddler will listen to stories and rhymes, while creating a bond and sharing in their learning. They will get to take part in songs, games, playtime and reading

Age: 1 - 2 years + adult