Indoor Field Availability

The City of Calgary offers Indoor Fields at the Calgary Soccer Centre and the Shouldice Seasonal Dome. For more information about the booking process, including timelines, rates and fees, and amendments and cancellations visit the Calgary Soccer Centre.

Space Request:

  • To request a location noted below, complete the online Athletic Park Application.
  • The price column displays $0.00. However, the price is dependent on the type of booking you're requesting. This will be discussed at the time of your booking request..
  • If you are booking 1/2 or 1/3 field size at the Shouldice Seasonal Dome, the corresponding north or south fields must both be available. Center 1/3 field will only be available for booking after north or south 1/3 fields have been booked.
  • General and non specific applications submitted will be closed without processing. Applicants must specify specific dates, times and locations within facility.

Check Availability


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