Home Recreation Facilities Athletic Parks Foothills Athletic Park

Foothills Athletic Park

Ultimate Frisbee, soccer, tennis courts, little league baseball and track and field facilities make Foothills Athletic Park an absolute sport hotspot in Northwest Calgary. Nestled between Foothills Aquatic Centre and Father David Bauer and Norma Bush Arenas to the north, and McMahon Stadium to the south, Foothills Athletic Park offers 4 sport fields, 1 little league ball diamond, tennis courts, a ‘Class A’ 400 meter track and field facility and Foothills Stadium.

A-Class Premium Ball Diamonds

Premium diamonds located at athletic parks. They may have staff onsite and amenities such as washrooms, lights, change rooms and possibly concessions. They have a higher standard of facility and playing surface.

B-Class Premium Ball Diamonds

Found in most athletic parks, these diamonds may have staff and/or amenities such as seating, lights, change rooms, washrooms (some portable) and concessions. Regular grass cutting occurs. All diamonds are dragged, lined and have bases.

B-Class Premium Fields

Found in most City athletic parks. They may have staff and/or amenities such as seating, lights, change rooms, washrooms (some portable) and concessions. Regular grass cutting. Corner soccer flags supplied.

Track & Field Availability

Our track and field facilities can accommodate foot racing, jumping and throwing events, practices, and meet-ups.